The Northland Pines School District works very hard to ensure all students reach their maximum potential; in pursuit of this goal, the district explored educational improvement options for students. The idea of the charter school was the result of a committee examining how to best serve the needs of all students of the Northland Pines School District. This led to the development of the SOAR Charter Middle School, which opened in the fall of 2013 to 5th - 7th grade students. In 2014 grade 8 was added. Upon the success of SOAR MS, the committee morphed into a planning committee to begin an elementary charter school and another committee to expand SOAR to the high school level.
Current Northland Pines area students, open-enrolled individuals, and home-schooled students are eligible to attend SOAR Charter High School which is open for students grades 9-12 and is located in the same building as the Eagle River Elementary School in what was previously known as the middle school wing.
Determining if SOAR High School is a good fit for your child is a personal and potentially challenging decision to make. It is hard to say what specific type of student would benefit from project based learning the most because kids vary in many aspects and every child learns differently. We encourage you to take time researching project based education and SOAR HS, attend informational meetings, arrange a tour and ask questions. The reality is that we now have two high quality high schools in our district, and we are confident that your student can be successful in either of these settings. You just need to make the decision that best fits with your values and child’s best interest.
Students at SOAR High School follow the same school calendar as the Northland Pines School District. The school start and end times are the same as the rest of the district, 8:25 - 3:25. The district provides students transportation from within any area of our district. Students may also drive themselves if parents approve, with parking available in front of SOAR HS.
For more information please email me at or call 715.479.5701.