Title 1
Title 1 is a federally-funded program under the Improving America’s Schools Act (IASA.) The purpose of Title 1 is to enable all children to meet high academic standards. This is accomplished by providing research based intervention strategy opportunities for students who struggle in the area of math and/or reading.
Under the Title 1 legislation, schools and families form partnerships to help students who need support in meeting high academic standards. The family, the school, and the student develop a compact outlining the role of each in a learning partnership. This shared responsibility increases the chance of student success.
AIMSweb tests are completed in September, January and May, and those results along with teacher input determine which students are eligible for these additional Title 1 services. Students receive help 3-4 times a week in the targeted area. In addition, they are progress monitored weekly for evidence of growth. It is the goal of Title 1 to enhance student understanding of concepts and move them into the universal level of understanding, at which time the student will no longer require additional help.