We introduced a new peer mentoring program prior to the 2017-2018 school year called AMMP which stands for Active Mentor Mentee Partnership. An advisory committee comprised of administrators, teachers, school counselors, parents, students and community representatives worked to establish the mission as well as the scope and structure of the AMMP program. The purpose is to match middle school students with high school students to establish increased connectedness to the school community. Juniors and seniors from Northland Pines High School who were recommended by staff, attended an informational session in the spring of 2017. A specialized, one-day mentor training will take place on August 18, 2017. Following the training, peer mentors will be assigned a partner and a 7th or 8th grade homeroom. Once a month, during middle school homeroom, the mentor partners will lead activities based on the Cross-Age Mentoring Program (CAMP) curriculum. The goals of the CAMP curriculum align with the mission of the AMMP program. The curriculum is mutually beneficial in that it fosters the high school mentor’s leadership and service skills while simultaneously promoting the middle school mentees’ connectedness.
Peer mentors will meet their 7th and 8th grade mentees in person at a kick-off breakfast on the first day of school for students in grades 7-9. That day, mentors will answer questions about the building, help mentees find their lockers, and show them where their AMMP sessions will meet. Parents will receive more information before the school year begins. We believe this new mentor program will support the middle school students in making a smooth transition to the larger building while adding to the already strong sense of community in the Northland Pines Middle and High Schools. NPHS senior and AMMP mentor Claire Reese, recognized the importance of her role and is looking forward to the opportunity to serve as a peer mentor. In her introductory letter to the advisory committee she stated the following, “I really like the idea of the 7-12 mentor program for all of the young kids coming into the high school feeling a little lost and confused, there will be a friend and someone who knows what they're doing to help them at anytime. Without my friend this year, I know for sure my transition into full-time school would definitely not have been as enjoyable! I can also relate because I am an older sister. Having my younger twin sisters entering into the new building, I also want to be there for them, and help them through this huge transition that they are about to undergo. I’m so excited to be a part of this program and to see where it will lead in helping these new 7th and 8th graders in their transition to the high school building!”
Sade Seeger, Northland Pines Middle and High School Counselor oversees the program, conducts the initial and ongoing training of the mentors, provides ongoing supervision of the mentors and communicates with parents and staff and collect data. If you have any questions regarding AMMP, please contact Sade at 715-479-4473, ext. 0512 or Emily Rhode, Director of Pupil Services at 715-479-8989, ext. 3.