Free and Reduced Price School Meals Family Applications were mailed to all households. This application must be submitted yearly. Please take the time to complete and return to the Food Service Department. Applications will be available all year and can be submitted as needed if your family’s income changes. There are far-reaching benefits for all NPSD students beyond participation in the breakfast, lunch, and/or school day milk programs. The percentage of confirmed free/reduced students directly impacts any additional funding or grants available for the school district. Please fill out and return the application today.
Students are not mandated to participate in the meals program just because the family has returned a completed application. All information provided with the Free and Reduced Price School Meals Family Application is confidential along with student eligibility. Eligible families may have school enrollment fees either waived or reduced, however, we must have your permission to share your information. A “Sharing Information with Other Programs” form was included with the application along with “Student Meals Profile.” Please complete these forms and return to the Food Service Department.
NPSD’s Policy Committee reviewed and updated the Food Service Fees Policy 6152.02. The policy explains that the Food Service Program is a “pre-payment program” and families are expected to have a positive balance in each student’s account throughout the year. If the balance of a student reaches $5.00 or less, an automated phone call from the Food Service Department will be made on Thursdays at 7 p.m. If you DO NOT want to receive this phone call, please keep your student’s account balance above $5.00. The call placed in lieu of sending out invoices and is a reminder to add money to your student’s account. Please feel free to call the Food Service Department, 715-479-5800, if you have any questions regarding your student’s account. You can review the policy in its entirety on the NPSD website under “District Information - Board Policies” and search for 6152.02.
The Free and Reduced Meals Application can be submitted at any time throughout the school year. There are many situations where a household's gross monthly income may decrease and/or the household size may increase for one reason or another. If a household does not believe they qualify at the start of school according to the income chart and a situation arises as noted above, that household is encouraged to complete an application and send it in for review.
The confidentiality of all information included with the reduced school meals application as well as student eligibility is very important to us and will be strictly protected.
For more information, please visit DPI's Free and Reduced Meals webpage.