- Sue McKay
- Director of Teaching and Learning
- 715-337-2527 ext. 1
Across the District, staff are committed to providing a strong universal learning environment that allows every child access and engagement to grade level standards. Teachers at Northland Pines strive to offer learning oportunities that meet the needs of all learners. Authentic learning is valued, and students are supported based on their unique interests, strengths, and needs. In order to evaluate, reflect on, and improve teaching and learning 4K-12, the District is comitted to a plan of continuous improvement. Through this process, the District sets goals, reviews data, provides professional learning opportunities, and has structures in place to support leadership and strong collaboration. Additionally, parent and community input is important to this process and taken into consideration. As a community, we can better guarantee rigor, relevance, and relationships to prepare all students for life. Specific to curriculum and instruction, parents can find information regarding course/class materials by visiting teacher webpages, through communication on Seesaw/Schoology, or by reviewing a course syllabus (at the middle and high school). The Infinite Campus Parent Portal is also another way parents and guardians can check on coursework or other important information as necessary. This website provides basic information and resources regarding universal programming at Northland Pines. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Curriculum Office, school, or classroom teacher. Thank You!
If you have additional questions on Curriculum and Instruction, please contact Sue McKay.